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What the worst "F word" is in healthcare

Updated: Apr 16, 2019

The secret no hospital wants you to know about. Most patients assume that their insurance will cover all costs associated with a procedure performed in a hospital - this is not the case. Enter the nastiest and secretive term in business of healthcare - the Facility Fee. This is simply a charge assigned by a hospital facility for a patient just to enter a room for care or a procedure. For instance, a very common pain management procedure which takes 10 minutes and is performed as an outpatient is an epidural steroid injection. In a hospital setting, the patient is assessed a fee for the doctor's work and supplies. Additionally, there is the infamous facility fee which appears on the bill to much surprise- the charge assigned by the hospital just to use the room in which the injection was performed. This can be hundreds of dollars or more.

Patients often get blindsided by this because is it not discussed with them in a transparent manner prior to their treatment. In an office based setting, the same 10 minute procedure is performed with the patient paying the office visit copay - there is no facility fee. When providers refer patients to hospitals for simple treatments such as an epidural steroid injection, they rarely consider the financial impact it may have on the patient.

Our patients deserve better - they deserve transparency as well as expert and comprehensive care in a low cost setting. Patients need to be educated about potential facility fees PRIOR to their treatments so that they can make informed decisions with regards to the location, and hence cost, of their care. #painmanagement #faciltyfee #expertise



Nov 29, 2019

Thank you for this information. I would suggest everyone to get themselves check by an ENT specialist on monthly basis because you never know what cancer or allergy has struck up to you and usually it only becomes noticeable when it has grown to a stage where you have to face hard times to get rid of it. I myself am getting myself checked on monthly basis by a great doctor of ent great neck because I just can not see myself in the hospital bed. I am 42 years old and I am in perfect health thanks to my monthly check ups. You can visit the website of my doctor through here :


Oct 09, 2019

Thank you for the information . Yes the facilityfees is the worst word to be honest. I have spent alot to get my pain go away.

I have had lowerback pain after my car accident 2 years ago and I have been to almost every

doctor of middletown physical therapy and pain management.

My current doctor is who I started

to see 4 months ago. He has given me medications and treatments

but also some physical exercises, which have help me alot in these 4 months.

I just hope the pain could completely go away.

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